Guided by a neurodiversity framework, our experienced team can help.

More About Dr. Crehan, Founder of PCAPS
PCAPS is a great opportunity for me to design an organization that reflects all that I have learned through my clinical, research, and advocacy experiences.
Time and again, I hear from individuals and families that their needs are not being met and that providers do not understand what they need. Educating people about autism and other neurodivergent conditions across the lifespan is my mission. I hope you see this passion reflected in your interactions with us, from our intake process onward.

What do you mean by neurodiversity framework?
Welcome! I provide all the tools, guidance, and support my clients need to succeed in their respective markets. Take a look around and explore the various services I offer, the clients that I’ve partnered with, and samples of my work.

....and how'd you land on "Pegasus?"
There are two reasons for the name Pegasus:
(1) Pegasus is a winged horse in Greek mythology. A strong and impressive character, Pegasus could fly to unbelievable heights, led Zeus's thunderbolt chariot, and created water wherever they stomped their hoof. The power and strength of Pegasus reminds me of the people I work with.
(2) Growing up, my dad ran his own business called Pegasus. This is an image that I've seen my whole life and that I love, and I'm so excited to keep it as a part of my story through PCAPS. (Photo is my daughter riding a wooden Pegasus!)